What Do You Listen to While Writing/Roleplaying?

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
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Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey folks,

Posting this here because I recently remembered a topic in Kris' thread Burn Out and Writing Tips where some of us (I was one of them :p ) mentioned the music we listen to while writing to help us feel inspired.

I realized it could be really fun to talk about this more specifically, and share what music we like to listen to when we write for HNZ, whether it is a general genre/style of music or if we have a specific playlist or artist, etc that we like to listen to when we write a specific character, or for a specific mood in a roleplay. Basically to share what we listen to and why and see if this can inspire others!

I am also just super curious about what everyone listens to when they write, if at all and why :p

I tend to listen to video game soundtracks as these don't have words in them and it makes me happy and inspired to write. I started with the FFX soundtrack (this is top tier) and I've dabbled in listening to the FFXV and FFVII (and crisis core) soundtracks depending on my mood. I also listen to the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack often and I went through a phase of only listening to the music from Undertale, there's a theme here =))

Currently I have been listening to Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy lofi remixes, and this isn't much of a change to my usual choices but it has surprised me in a good way because I did not think I was a lofi girlie, but here I am, a lofi girlie!!

So, what music do you listen to while writing and roleplaying? Is there any music that helps you write a character, or any specific mood you choose for music when writing? Do you listen to podcasts or something entirely different? Please share!!
Ohhh this is a fun question!

My music taste is broad and varied in the extreme, so it largely depends on my mood at the time. I don't have specific writing playlists or anything like that, though I do tend to lean towards classical when my mind is too busy. I also have a playlist that's just music I had on my ipod when I was 13-17 and it often puts me right in the creative mood because it pulls me back to the old days when things flowed much easier :p
I'll go between different playlists/songs depending on my vibe. But I also largely write in silence. I get easily distracted by music when writing, so unless the song/music is like inspiring my specifically, I will sit in silence.

I have tried to write with lofi, but even then xD
Ooohh!! Love music related threads!!

For me personally, i’m always listening to music while I rp. It helps me focus a lot and gets me in the zone, I honestly don’t like silence, i always like to have music on me (Explains the many minutes of music i listen to on my spotify wrapped every year lol!) But anyways, yesss i listen to music while i rp! I don’t have anything specific, usually depends on what I am in the mood for, but i usually just listen to my favourite artists hehe!
I always listen to movie or other soundtracks usually. Mostly game of thrones, the crown or others. And sometimes one reminds me or I find fitting for one of my characters. Only with lessons I don't like music if I need to focus very well.
ooooh this is interesting- I do have an ultimate playlist I'm always adding to, that has basically everything, though its broken down into favorites, though thats really just songs I can never seem to skip, and my current absolute favorites, which is what I have on repeat right now. Sadly, though, I don't usually listen to music when I rp- I've been going through this phase of just scrolling down my youtube and playing videos in order- usually karen videos or true crime stories (though I tend to avoid anything longer than 45 minutes) and will put on music mixes for drawing and such.

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