Closed What now?

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
[Adminapproval= ID#87341/#115234]

How could this have happen? And more likely what would now happen?
Those questions June had been having over the break. It felt like she landed into an nightmare, the worst nightmare ever! She could remember the excitement she had at the end of the year feast, to see her father again, him coming home and they would be an family again, since he would come out of Azkaban over the break, his punishment was done. But after an week at home at Misha's place, things all changed. They had recieved an letter to come to another trial for her father. And June didn't understand anything of it. This hadn't felt normal when someone would come out of Azkaban? And from that moment on June knew there was something really wrong. And she had been right, unfortunately. There happend a lot and June tried to be strong. But as soon as the words had been said, she had broke down. Her father was sentenced for life long to Azkaban. Her mother broke down in tears as well. And June had tried to get it back together to say goodbye to her father. He had whispered her what he expected of her and June listened to him ofcourse. How hard it even was to hold in the anger she felt towards the people who destroyed her life. But she had looked Lauren in the eye for sure that day.

The break had been terrible and June had spend a lot of time in her room. She had forced herself on studies even more than ever. As an way of being distracted. And also found an new place close to Misha's house to let out her anger with throwing rocks. There had been a lot of uncertainty. Because June had still some hope her mother could take care of her, they would sure have some sympathy she figured. But there was nothing clear yet, so she remained with Misha and him fostering her. But June thinking her break couldn't get worse, was too quickly with thinking like that. It was like someone wanted to punish her and it didn't stop. Misha had told her the bad news about her mother. She had passed away, dying of an heart attack. And June knew there was only one to blame for that, or two people perhaps. This would never have happend if her father would just got out. June was certain. And June would not forget. She was furious and hurt, but there was now nothing left to hurt her like that. Nobody could ever hurt her anymore. And June had to do what she always did, listen to her father and make him proud. And she could be ice cold, and ruthless. And they had messed with the wrong person.

Being back at Hogwarts was strange. June didn't need to do anything else, than she did before. But coming into this year, with all that had happend over the break. It felt like she needed to play the role of her life. And be more strong than ever. June had only one focus and she would not let anyone let her get of that path. But something which was uncertain was, what would happen with her after this year? Did she had to go to an orphanage? Because technically she kind of was now? Or was Misha still there for her? He had been actually, and how difficult it had been. And how closed off June had been in her room. She wasn't annoyed by Misha. She needed him at her side still. But he didn't made her angry or irritated, so that was a lot. So when she made her way towards Misha's office, since he had asked her to come over and chat. June knew she had to pretend with him, but also if she had trouble with it she could let her emotions go if she wanted since he would understand her losing both her parents over one break. They could not see her as the bad guy in this story. '' Misha?'' June said as she knocked on the door.

@Professor Misha Haden
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Misha had been following along with the recent enough revelations of the Davenport family and everything to do with June's biological father. He had done it, in part to be able to know what was happening and also so that he could talk to June about it. He knew she'd likely always seen his role with her as temporary, that she would live with him until her dad got out, but the reality now was that he was unlikely to. It didn't then help that her mother had suffered a heart attack and had not made it. But they had continued the break just as it was, but now, they were back at school, now there were real decisions to be made for her.

Misha for his part knew he'd happily adopt or remain as June's foster parent, happy to give her the stability that he had in his life, but never wanted it to be overwhelming or too much. He heard the knocking on the door, and the voice of his foster daughter. "June, come on in," he greeted warmly. "You know you don't have to knock," he said, wanting her to always feel welcome to come to his office and speak with him. "How are you settling back in?" he asked.
When June heard Misha's voice saying she could come in. She pushed open the door and put on an small smile. '' Hi Misha.'' She greeted him as he entered and closed the door after her. June was not stupid she knew it was not gonna be talk about the weather today. It had been such an intense break that the blonde didn't want to think of next steps and had to process what just had happend. But the questions she had needed to be answered, also by herself what she wanted. As she sat down her lips curled for an moment as he said she didn't need to knock. June didn't want to walk into something disgusting like him and the nurse, but she didn't said that. So she just nodded. And looked around his office, making herself comfertable. June sighted for an moment, in a way it was nice of not always lying since Misha knew most of it. Not everything ofcourse, and she would keep it that way. But he would not judge her she figured for be sad about losing her father. Everyone else saw him as the badguy.

'' It's fine.'' The blonde answered and watched him in the eye. '' I guess I have some good distractions here.'' June than said, which was not an lie. But making herself more the victim and all could raise also sympathy to others. Her father had instructed her exactly what she could do in different scenario's. '' What about you?'' June than decided to return the question. She wondered if Misha would inform other co-workers. She actually wanted to know, and would notice soon enough if they did she figured.
Misha watched as she sat down, and nodded at what she said. He sat a little forward and then gave a little smile. "I miss sleeping in," he replied with a little smile, joking a little with her, but wanting to make this conversation that they were about to have easy enough. "We need to talk June, about what happened," he didn't think he needed to say what they had to talk about, she would know about it. "But, maybe some tea or coffee first?" he offered, wanting this to be as easy a conversation as it could be.
As Misha made an joke about waking up more early the blonde smiled shortly. It was not even funny or anything but she could let him feel like it was. But he quickly changed the subject as June already had figured. In a way it was nice, to not spin around it for a long time. But she didn't want to talk about some stuff. So she sighted heavily, watching her nails for an moment perfectly polished with soft pink and than looked at Misha. She put up her shoulders shortly. '' I guess we should.'' June said as she felt her throat being dry. So the offer for something to drink was not the worst. '' Some tea please.'' The blonde figured she was gonna drink a lot of coffee this year, to keep up with all her studies. So for now the tea could do well. '' Are you gonna inform the other professors about my.. uh situation?'' June than decided to ask away directly. Perhaps she had an say in this, but she wondered what he would do with it.
Misha waved his hand and the tea which Mallory gave him began be made. He was sure it would be better to have tea for this rather than coffee, though he preferred coffee to tea. At what she said he gave a half nod, half shrug. "The headmaster, and your head of house are aware, but it will be up to you to tell the other professors if you wish to," Misha said. "Though if they are up to date with current events they may already be aware." he told her, before getting the tea over and passing her cup to her. "Sugar and/or milk?" he asked.
She watched him preparing the tea. And listened to him explaining. The fact that her head of house and the headmaster were informed wasn't an complete shock. It made sense, but June wondered if it would benefit her or not. How hard it sounded. Her father had also said to her she had to use this situation for her own good. Nobody had seen this coming, she and her biological parents not. But they were good in turning situations to their hand/needs. June learned that in her education at home. But it took a lot of more energy from her now than it had been before. Because it was something which was close to her and important, what she had lost. June nodded at what he said. She didn't felt the need to inform others right now, if she needed it or it could be usefull in getting closer to them it would. '' I don't think that is needed right now.''

But one professor was more difficult. Landon Carter. She felt her body reacting from the inside when thinking of that man, she hated him. And she would have to face him in class, the dumbest class on this school. But she could not drop it, she would not do that. It was needed that she could see the man, and observe. It was all complicated. '' I know at least one Professor who is aware next to you.'' June than said shortly. Figuring to just name the elephant in the room. '' It's strange to see Professor Carter again I guess...But I hope he will understand..'' June than looked down, playing the victim fierceful. But she never let Misha know her true feelings for Landon. Nobody would. So it was just an neutral fact she stated. But he understood that things were complicated for sure, she figured. '' Some milk, thank you.'' June than replied.
Misha knew that June had a difficult relationship with the hufflepuff head of house. He could understand it from her view, but Misha knew what the man had done had been the right thing. Even if June couldn't see it. "He will be very aware, and I know you have a difficult relationship with him, but he will understand," Misha said, he stopped short of praising him, sure that June would probably not appreciate him saying that. Misha poured a little milk into her cup of tea. "I think what we need to discuss above everything else though, is you," Misha said. "Do you like living with me?" he asked.
As June looked down at her nails she was curious what Misha would say. The fact that he said difficult relation, made her all ears. What did he ment by that? June tried to hold her face straight and looked at him. She had to act normal, which was what she did. He must mean that it was difficult during the circumstances. '' I hope so..'' June replied. If the man would treat her any different in the classes, she could use it against him. But she had an feeling that Misha would not believe her. And it was dumb to try it. June was way smarter than that. And gave Misha an small smile. He would not understand, Landon could not. He was too blinded by Lauren and the feelings he had for her as an father or whatever he claimed to be. It seemed like everyone, even Camilla forgot who their true father was. How could you forget that? June didn't understand. As Misha turned the conversation to speaking about herself, it was to an point where the talk would come, she knew. June was not stupid again.

His question she had to think of for an moment as she took the tea and took an sip of it. June would lie about the answer, but in a way it wasn't. Ofcourse if someone asked her right now, the only place she wanted to be was with her parents. But that would never be possible again. And June felt her mouth shaking and closed her eyes for an moment and opened them to be more calm. '' I do. It's been good.'' June spoke.
'' You are not that bad.'' She than joked, trying to forget her sadness. And sighted heavy. '' I expected to live with my parents again by now. But I realise that is now never an option any-..'' June tried to fight heavy to her tears. '' ..more.'' This was not an act, but in a way she stopped fighting her tears once she realised it was not bad to use. Her mother was death, and her father not but it kind of felt like he was almost. And that hurted like hell. She wiped away the tears from her cheeks. '' I don't know.. what to do.'' June than spoke, and took an sip of her tea. She was not gonna ask him the thing, no way she was. June didn't even knew where she wanted to live, but she was not gonna go to an orphanage or live with Landon Carter, or one of her aunts, or sister Gabriella, like never.
Misha wasn't too surprised that June got upset about it. He moved round his desk as it was clear that she was about to cry. He summoned tissues and sat down in front of her, able to sympathise and be there for her. "I know that's what you expected," he replied. He had always noted that she wanted to go back to her parents, certainly saw this arrangement as temporary. "Well, the good news is, you can stay with me," he replied softly, holding out the tissues for her. "We can remain as we are now, foster dad, and foster child, or I'd very happily adopt you if you would be interested in that," he told her, laying out the choice he wanted her to make in regards to them, since it was clear she did want to stay with him.
As Misha was coming over to her and offered her tissues she looked up to him. She sighted and knew it was no suprise for him that this was what she had wanted. June knew everyone thought it was not good what her father had done. But June was loyal to her parents, unlike the rest of her siblings. But she was not tell others that, she would play along that it was not right what happend if she needed to say something. '' It's just hard.. I've looked forward to it for so long...'' June spoke. As she wiped away the tears with an tissue she watched Misha again as he said she could stay. That was exactly what June thought she wanted to hear. But than he added an choice for herself. And it was something that she already had thought about. She already had thought about different scenario's. '' Really?'' she said like the good actor she was like she didn't saw it coming. And smiled shortly. She and Misha had some conversations since June decided to stay with him. And they build up an relationship, which June worked for. And she had no idea what else could be the place she needed to go. There was literally no other option, which was better. But to make it like adoption, was something. But her father had told her it was the right thing. So she would choose for it. '' If you really would.. that would mean a lot.'' June replied. And took an sip of her tea again while putting down the tissue. ''I mean.. I'd love for you to adopt me. '' June than said. In a way it was not a lie, since it was the best option here. But ofcourse she wanted to see it differently. He would never be her real father, no one would take that place. But Misha was not the worst person in her life and perhaps it was an good thing. '' But I don't really know how it works.. but I would like to keep my lastname..'' June than added. She would not change her name.
Misha nodded at her, and felt somewhat relieved that she was willing to be adopted by him. He gave her a little smile, and shook his head gently, "You do not have to if you do not want to," Misha knew that June's family had been important to her, that her father was important to her. No matter his opinion on said family. "This will just give me formal full parental rights, and really for us, is just a change in documentation," he told her. "Nothing about how we are will change," he assured her. He knew she was unlikely to ever change her name or call him dad, but he just wanted to provide her a safe place, a place to be and grow. "That sound good?"
It was not that June hadn't already researched what would be the consequenses when Misha would offer her to adopt her. It was what June already had seen coming and planned for in a way after she lost both of her parents. But it had to come from him, she would never ask him that. June couldn't. She nodded as he wanted to make sure she wanted this. '' I know. '' She than replied. And gave him an small smile. She could tell him a thousand times she would rather ofcourse be with her biological parents. But he knew that. But that was not happening, anymore. June than nodded in a way she understood. June knew there was nothing really happening, which was more different. Only like Misha explained. But in a way stuff changed, since he would be the only one to look out for her now like final. It was not temporary anymore. June than looked at him and nodded at his question. '' Thank you... Misha.'' June than said and than made the effort to something which she hadn't done before to him. June was not an hug person, she and her father didn't done it that much. Mostly because she just hated people, so why bother hugging. But she figured it was an good move. So gave the man an hug. And felt some tears in the corner of the eyes. In a way she felt guilty to her parents. But this was what they would have wanted. Than something slipped her mind, about the nurse he was dating. But if he took her seriously and things would continue between them she was sure he would tell her if something would change.
Misha knew that even though this didn't really change anything at all, that it didn't change them, but he also knew it did. It very much did. He knew this made it permanent, but it wasn't like June had too many options. Instead, this was her option really, but it did help that see seemed to want it. He was very surprised when she went for the hug. He hugged her back but was frowning a little. They had never been physically affectionate, but he hugged her, letting her decide how close they were and how long she wanted the hug to last.
As Misha accepted her hug she bite her lip for a second. It was perhaps still odd, but in a way she was thankfull for Misha. If it wasn't for him she would stand on the street. Perhaps investing in a relationship wasn't so bad. The hug was short and as she let him go she smiled shortly. June figured he knew she would not call him dad. Perhaps he was more comfertable with Misha after all. And how she would adress it to others that she had to think of. But it wasn't like she would hug him all the time out in the open. '' Did you want to discuss anything else?'' June than asked him with an small smile. Back to bussiness as usual. '' I guess I will be busy this year. So less tea or coffee meetings.'' June than said. They sometimes met up during the year for an chat. But June would spend a lot of time studying and try to have some social interactions. Also she wanted to better in duelling this year.
Misha pulled out of the hug as soon as she did and just smiled at her. "No, that was all, I'll start the paper work and then let you know when it happens," Misha told her with a friendly tone, knowing there might be a few more conversations like this until it was completely settled and done. He knew that she was a third year now, and busier than ever before with all the different classes she was certainly taking but he just gave her a smile. "Any time you can give, I'll happily take, my door is always open to you," He told her with a friendly expression.
June nodded as Misha mentioned there was nothing less to talk about. It was like it was just bussiness, but it was actually about her life and also his. June wondered what he all had to fill in, but she didn't want to bother looking into that. She could use her time more wisely. She smiled as he said his door was always open. That better had to stay that way and she needed to come on the first place, before that nurse and her family. '' I will remember that. Thanks.'' The blonde said with an smile. And June than stood up and took her bag. She had heard that there would be an new professor for defence against the dark arts. It was an shame she kind of liked Professor Abberline. But she would just show the new one what she was made of. '' See you later than.'' June said as she turned around to look at Misha. And than left. It was all the tears she would shed about what happend, that stayed in his office and with him. Now it was game face on and ready for action.

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