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Osiris Vale

adopted • pyromaniac
OOC First Name
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Too Young to Care
Curved 9 Inch Unyielding Mahogany Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Nov 12, 2048
Open after Miro posts

Osiris Vale should have known better than to break a few rules within a week of the first day of school. But alas. The first year was over in the Forbidden forest. He had spent a few hours there since the evening, but now that it was night, he had made a large fort from some of the sheets that he took from the Slytherin house. He often did this at his parents house, but the sheets there were more dusty and had cobwebs on them. These were clean. It was weird. He wanted the spooky feeling, but the forest gave that.

The Slytherin also had gathered several sticks and some paper to try to make a campfire. He read that he needed some oxygen in there, and thus, he started to rub the sticks together. The problem was that he could not see! Ozzy used Lumos with his wand which gave out a light (also gave away his location) so that he could see if he was making any sort of flame or fire. Even some smoke would be nice. This would do so much better when he learned the Bluebell flame spell, or incendio! The latter was not learned until the third year - yes he had already checked.
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Miro wholeheartedly believed that some rules were simply made to be broken, for no other reason than it would be both fun and exciting, a pure thrill to do so - and the rule not to enter the forbidden forest was a perfect example of this. The forest was so mysterious on the outside, the trees old and withered and misty like any amazing adventure from his story books and it of course was right there on the Hogwarts grounds just waiting to be visited. He imagined walking into the forest would be like traveling to another time or an entirely other world and the warning not to visit and potential for danger and adrenaline only added to Miro's want to explore it. Of course it was selfish and arguably stupid to intentionally put himself in danger, but Miro wanted to experience every exciting moment and feeling that life had, and some or even a lot of potential danger would do little to deter him from this.

Thinking he would be less likely to be caught if he went alone, and adamantly ignoring the inevitability of both being caught and getting into a bucket load of trouble for it, Miro strolled to the forbidden forest with only himself for company, with his hands in his pockets as he whistled a tune to seem as if he was entirely innocent and not absolutely going to break one of Hogwart's biggest rules at the start of his first year. He looked over each of his shoulders as he approached the forest to make sure he wasn't being watched before stepping into the tree line and immediately feeling a shiver run up his spine. He couldn't help but notice as he wandered deeper into the forest the further the air changed, smelling old and damp and dark, of course because it was very dark. Miro considered casting Lumos for only a moment before spotting both a light in the distance and what looked to be a fort, so he disregarded his thought as his curiosity got the better of him, causing him to approach the light and boy he somewhat recognized from sorting sitting on the ground in an attempt to build a fire. "Hey, I saw you at sorting, right?" Miro greeted. "Are you trying to light a fire? cool. I can help if you want, I was in Phoenix scouts." Miro added, not needing a return introduction or even an invite before he sat down and picked up a pair of sticks. He truly had no idea of how to light a fire, his knowledge despite being in Phoenix scouts amounting to knowing it involved rubbing sticks together until they made smoke. "I'm Miro by the way." He added as an afterthought as he began to rub the sticks he had together.​
Ozzy continued to try to make the sticks burn, but he must not be feeding them enough fuel. He brought some books that others might have discarded - or left them unattended for a short time. Ozzy just saw it as fuel to a fire. How could he resist? Ozzy glanced up as he heard a voice. Luckily, the lad was just another student. A first year. Just not a roommate. Ozzy would have recognized him if that were the case. “Yeah, I’m Osiris Vale. Ozzy is my nickname.” Ozzy raised an eyebrow at the thought of Phoenix Scouts. What were they? He had never heard of them, but his parents did not send him off to things like that. Too many normies. Normies were just boring and slightly weird. Ozzy knew that Hogwarts New Zealand would have several, but he had his sister here, and she seemed to be content. Or satisfied since she never smiled. “Well, Miro, if you can make a fire, you should teach me. My parents took away matches and lighters, so I need another method to start burning things.” Even outside of here, he would not have a way to do it without magic, and he couldn't use magic until he was seventeen. Stupid. But alas.
Miro was entirely clueless of how to start a fire even if he made it seem otherwise. He was following his own clueless actions in the hope the sticks he was rubbing together would begin to smoke and a fire would begin to appear below his hands, and forging his own path to start a fire even if it ultimately wouldn't work. If he knew better he would have placed a stick on the ground to catch a spark or ember, and if he also knew better he would know to feed the fire slowly to allow it to grow instead of impatiently smothering the ember with fuel in an attempt to catch a flame. Neither of course would be possible for him as he had only loosely paid attention when Kauri was showing the group, of course the sounds of birds and wind whistling through the trees around them at the time was far too fascinating for him to truly watch and learn how to start a fire if he ever needed it.

Miro nodded along, smiling to himself as Ozzy introduced himself and commenting on Miro teaching him how to start a fire. "Well, I can try, but it takes a while if we can't use a spell." He said softly, intentionally leaving out the part where he hadn't paid attention as Kauri was teaching him the exact steps of what he was trying to mimic. He did at least remember that it took a long time to build a fire from nothing so his words were true despite the fact he was otherwise clueless about the process. "Ozzy, which house are you in?" He asked a moment later in an attempt to make conversation and pass the time more quickly. He knew he recognized Ozzy from sorting although had been too caught up in sitting at the Gryffindor table for the first time and of course eating, to remember which house the hat had chosen for the other boy.​
Ozzy had hoped that this boy could teach him how to make a fire, but it seemed like perhaps he was not any good at it. The Slytherin started to work on a few sticks himself, not caring if it would rub his hands raw. A little bit of pain did not bother him any. He thrived on such things, as it would show how hard he worked! "I'll keep trying as well." At least his sticks started to smoke a bit, but he did not see any sort of orange glowing, so he kept rubbing them. If he was going to make a fire, it would be a small one indeed. He might love fire, but he could not risk it going out of control and burning the whole forest down. Good thing he had collected rocks around the mini pit that he had built. "I am a Slytherin. Constantly in the damp, dark dungeons. Humid, stale. Reminds me of home so I love it." The way he described it made it sound miserable, but it was nothing like that at all. "I don't know your house either, but you aren't Slytherin. So, which one are you? Brave and dumb, loyal and naive, or wise and stuck up?" He smirked as he both complimented and insulted all of the houses.
It was a calming experience, Miro thought, to idly attempt to start a fire in the middle of the forbidden forest with a potential new friend. The sound of the trees creaking around them and shuffling of pine needles on the ground, and the distant whistle of the wind seeming far less scary to Miro than it likely should have been, all because he wasn't alone and all because they had the light from Ozzy's wand to make their dark surroundings a little less suffocating. Miro on this note began to smile to himself, continuing to rub the sticks he had together and make fire to no avail all while trying to ignore the feeling of his hands turning raw at the action of it. His hands would likely hurt tomorrow but that was a thought for tomorrow, not the moment he was in the forest and talking to Ozzy about each of their houses. "Oh cool, so it's like a sewer down there. Do you live in a sewer?" Miro commented, only half joking as he took a moment to listen to Ozzy's description of each of the other houses. He wasn't sure which house was which but gave his best guess as he certainly believed himself to be brave, even if he didn't believe he was completely dumb. "Brave and dumb, I think. Whatever Gryffindor is." He answered, smiling wider and pausing for a moment to show his pride in being Gryffindor before he resumed his attempt at making a fire. "I wish we had a fire already." Miro added, feeling slightly impatient at how long it was taking for a fire to start.​
Ozzy could have sworn that eventually, he would likely have raw hands by the time he started something, but as soon as he saw a faint, glowing speck of orange, he started to lightly blow on it. Fire needed air to thrive! Once he saw a little bit of light, he set it down on the ground in his makeshift pit, and the tiniest bit of flame came to life. It was controlled, and his wand gave off more like than the tiny flame that could fit in a jar. A few handfuls of dirt would keep it down, or... "Hold that thought," Ozzy said as he scooted under his fort to grab one of the lanterns that he took from the wall of one of the corridors. It was hell to get it down, but he managed. He picked up a stick with a bit of flame, and lit the lantern. He then doused the fire with handfuls of dirt. He felt the some mutated bear would come from the forest and tell them not to start Forbidden Forest fires. The lantern still had some fuel in it, and Ozzy held it out proudly, even if his hands were hurting. "Some of my peers do stink, so yes, just like a sewer down there. " Ozzy knew that Miro might have been joking, but Ozzy was not. "Gryffindor is the brave and dumb. But you are okay, and can stay. If you take my lantern, we will have issues." Ozzy picked up his wand and verbally used Nox to turn it out and have only a lantern for light. Now, it was spooky. "My sister doesn't like me in Slytherin. Do you have siblings?"
It was almost like magic, or at least it certainly felt that way, as Ozzy told Miro to hold his thought at the sight of a small orange ember. Miro felt his jaw drop, watching in amazement as Ozzy moved the spark into the makeshift fire pit and later moved the flame to a lantern. He was awestruck at the fact Ozzy had both managed to make a fire from nothing, in a way Miro had been too distracted to learn, and also manage to move the flame to a lantern they could use for light even if Ozzy's wand provided more light than the flame on its own. Unable to contain himself, Miro then broke out into an excited laugh, practically yelling at how both surprised and ecstatic he was that Ozzy after all that time had managed to create fire. "No way, you actually did it!" He exclaimed, almost forgetting Ozzy's other comments as he watched the lantern while still in a state of awe. He was tempted to ask for the lantern but only then tuned in to Ozzy's words telling him not to take it. "Oh okay, it's your lantern." Miro added as an afterthought, shaking his head back to reality and the conversation they were having. It was difficult to focus when he was so distracted by the flame in the lantern. "Oh no, I don't have siblings, but I think my dads want to have more kids, so maybe when I'm older." Miro answered. "Is your sister in Slytherin too? Doesn't she like you?" He asked curiously, not really connecting the dots or understanding why a sibling wouldn't be happy for their other sibling's sorting. If Miro had a brother like Ozzy he would have loved whichever house was chosen for him.​
Ozzy did not expect a laugh that sounded like it came from the halls of his house. It reminded him of home and sort of freaked him out at the same time. At least they had a bit of a fire, and Ozzy no longer wanted his wand to be lit anymore. The Slytherin was rather proud of his accomplishment. He would most certainly need to do that later so that he could work on his skills to make fire without a spell. He needed to do it faster next time, so that was his next goal. And to do so without making his hands raw. "I can do whatever I want if I can put my mind to it. No matter the pain." Ozzy held his hands up to show Miro what he had to go through in order to do what he did. Even if it was stinging, he liked it. It showed that he tried hard to succeed. He might not have the same attention span for class, but he did for making fire like a caveman. "Then you won't have to deal with them when they are sorted. You are lucky." Ozzy wasn't sure if he would deal with his youngest in school or not. He would have to do the math. "She is. We like to torture each other. Honestly, being in Slytherin makes it easier for the both of us."
Still caught up in the fact that Ozzy had created fire, Miro had trouble tearing his eyes away from the lantern for even a second, as it was such a wonderful flame his new friend had created. Miro in his own ignorance and over confidence knew even with his stubbornness to try and help Ozzy create fire from nothing he couldn't have done the same thing. Miro was therefore both shocked and excited in the best way but also impressed that Ozzy had succeeded where he had failed. He only moved his attention from the lantern when Ozzy showed his hands, raw and red from the sticks they had been rubbing together to try and make the fire they now had. Miro at this prompting looked at his own hands, still red although significantly less raw than Ozzy's. It was clear who had been trying for longer and more to create fire but Miro was nevertheless happy with both their efforts. "Oh I know, we can be blood brothers!" Miro suggested, in a weird thought raising one of his red hands to the air for a high five with Ozzy. "High five!?" He said as both a question and exclamation while he waited for Ozzy to respond. Again, in being so distracted by the flame Miro had forgotten he and Ozzy were still having a conversation about siblings and could only really focus on one thing at a time; the flame in the lantern in this case was far more interesting and a priority to him.​
Ozzy cocked his head at the thought of being blood brothers, but it could be worse. He could have been asked by someone dumber. Miro did not seem that dumb, but he thought that he knew how to make fire, but Ozzy managed to get it before him, and he did not mind breaking the rules. That was cool in his books. And then he wanted a high five. Was it a question? But regardless, he would do it. He did a high - stinging - five with the Gryffindor. "Although, to be blood brothers, we actually have to shake hands and do a blood oath. My hands are raw, but not bleeding." A blood oath sounded really cool to him, and he would be down for it. He picked up the lantern, and held it in his lap to feel some of the heat from the flame. "Doesn't having a flame out here make us easier targets for something that likes to eat humans to come this way?" Ozzy asked, with a subtle smirk on his lips. The sheer risk was exciting for the first year Slytherin.

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