Open When the Wreckage Flies

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
((Open after Rowan and I get a few replies in))

If there was one thing that Celia had learned over the past year, it was that nothing good ever came by mail. For a while, she had tried to eat breakfast alone so that she could avoid any questions about why she never opened her mail at the table. But it had been months now since she'd gotten anything potentially incriminating, so she'd decided to have breakfast with Jenna today. It was strange to think that the older girl would graduate soon, and while Celia was looking forward to being a seventh year, she knew things would be lonelier without Jenna around.

The rustling of wings interrupted their conversation, and Celia automatically tensed as owls poured into the Great Hall. "There has to be a more sanitary way of doing this," she muttered as she cupped her hands over her tea, trying to shield it from any errant feathers. To her surprise, one of the owls headed directly for her, dropping off a bright red envelope. Celia frowned. It was much too small to contain anything like a newspaper, but that didn't mean she planned on opening it in front of Jenna. However, before she could pick it up, the envelope suddenly shot to the sky and in a deep and raspy voice, it began to scream.

"Extra, extra, hear all about it: Celia Vuong is the daughter of a muggle criminal!"

"What—" But she was drowned out by the howler, which kept going.

"Her dad's in jail with a ten-year sentence! Has she also been to jail? Will her evil plans impact Hogwarts? Does she even deserve to be a prefect or a member of the Elite Sisterhood? Don't forget to pick up the next edition of Secrets of Merlin to find out!"

Celia scrambled for the howler, but it darted out of reach. By the time she'd managed to grab her wand, it was over. The envelope burst into flames, but not before spitting out a letter that fell to her plate. Attached to the letter was a horrible picture of her, something candidly caught, and her cheeks burned with shame. Part of Celia refused to process what she'd just heard — what everyone had just heard — but she could see the words there in front of her, plain as day, her biggest secret revealed to the entire school. As Celia stared at the note, frozen in shock, something tickled the back of her mind. But it was hard to focus on anything other than the fact that her reputation, which she'd carefully repaired and refined for the past five years, had just been shattered again.

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