Open Window Shopping For Future Purchases

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah had a little of her school allowance left over. She had worked very hard to keep it, only spending it where vitally necessary but she found herself wanting a little, seeing what everyone else had and she just had nothing like that. But it wasn't like her little amount would get her far. She was sure that if she managed to get her second year books on the cheap then she'd have a little more money, maybe for a dress that fit better. Possibly on something fun. But even with her thoughts on future possibly purchases, knowing she could afford little now, she was window shopping, going around Brightstone, because she could giving herself the time to look at everything and be out of the school. It was just a method to pass the time.
Akira was happy that they had a Brightstone weekend, she had her chance to go all out and buy something she liked. So far she hadn't managed to find a lot, except for a few little cute jewelries. And she went out of one of the shops with a necklace that she held in her hand and almost bumped into on of her classmates. "Oh, Savannah! Right? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Akira immediately apologized even if she didn't manage to exactly bump into her, she stopped a little moment before.

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