Closed Window Watching

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
13 (9/23/2048)
Of everywhere he found, Amodeus liked the student lounge especially. It was comfy, all his friends could be there, and it had the best views from the windows. After breakfast, he skipped up to the student lounge, humming happily. He smiled as he walked in, before moving over to the window. He leant against the windowsill, watching out at the grounds outside. It looked amazing, and he couldn't help but sigh, propping his chin in his hands and just staring out at the beautiful scenery.
Lucy had spent enough time in the Hogwarts grounds, she'd decided, and took to going to the student lounge. She hadn't been before and was impressed at how cosy the place seemed. Maybe she should spend more time here, she thought to herself. Looking around the room, she saw that it was fairly empty, but noticed someone staring out the windows. Lucy approached, amazed at the view she could see and understanding why this student had chosen this spot. "Hello," Lucy greeted the other student. He looked about her age, she thought. "Lovely view, isn't it?"
Amodeus looked over, smiling brightly. "Hi!" He greeted easily. "It's the best," He agreed, scooting over to give her more room to join him. He offered out his hand. "I'm Amodeus," He introduced himself, blond hair falling into his eyes. "What's your name?" He asked, his eyes sparkling. If he'd been a dog, his tail would have been wagging away. But alas, he was human, and all that he could offer was an impeccable cheeriness and a smile the was wide and open.
Lucy took advantage of the space offered and situated herself next to him. "I'm Lucy," Lucy said, taking his hand and shaking it. She thought he seemed really nice; Lucy found herself smiling as well, noting that this boy seemed really friendly and that was definitely a positive in her books. "I'm in Ravenclaw, how about you?" she asked politely, curious about his house. She thought it must be a toss up between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor - no way could this student be a Slytherin, and there were no boys sorted into Ravenclaw that year.
Amodeus smiled brightly. "Lucy! That's a really cool name," He offered, leaning back against the windowsill behind him. "I'm in Hufflepuff!" He replied easily. "Do you like Ravenclaw?" He asked, curious about her house. "That's a lot of walking, the common room must be amazing!" He chattered a bit, just caught up in the idea of it all and imagining what wonders must await up there.
Lucy smiled at the compliment. She felt like her name was somewhat ordinary so she appreciated the compliment. She wasn't surprised to hear the boy was in hufflepuff - he certainly was friendly. "Yeah, Ravenclaw's great!" Lucy exclaimed. "Except for all the stairs. It's a nightmare when I have potions class and I have to walk all the way down. And the common room's great! What's Hufflepuff like?" She asked curiously.
Amodeus winced in sympathy, before realizing something. His eyes widened and he frowned. "Wait... I'm not in Hufflepuff," He pouted. "Marley is in Hufflepuff. I'm in Gryffindor," He laughed, running a hand over his hair. "I keep getting the houses mixed up," He told her, like it was an easy thing to mistake. "But Gryffindor is fun, though there are a lot of stairs there too," He stuck out his tongue, before laughing again.

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