Closed Wishing the World Away

Demetrius Wagner

7th Year | Rich kid | Not-so Stand-offish
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Demetrius had decided to settle down in the student lounge for a change. Usually he'd do his studying in the Hufflepuff common room, but last time he'd done that it hadn't gone particularly well. The student lounge wasn't as good as somewhere like the library but Demetrius enjoyed the chatter in the background; it helped him concentrate. He was doing better in class, he thought, since he started studying properly so he sat down and took the time to read about thestrals. He'd been intrigued by them in class and he wanted to learn more.

Demetrius settled into a chair, took out the book and started to read.
With everything going on Kiara knew she shouldn't forget there was still classes to work on too. Especially if she wanted to keep her grades up, which she really did. And yet she wasn't particularly feeling like studying. To compromise, she had made her way to the student lounge to see if anyone was around to chat, bringing her books in case there wasn't. She noticed one of her classmates with the same idea and only took a split second to decide if she should go over before doing exactly that. "Hi." She greeted Demetrius with a small smile, glancing over at what he was reading about. "What did you think of that lesson..?" She asked curiously, nodding towards the image of a Thestral on the page he had open.
Demetrius was surprised to find himself interrupted yet again, but he didn't mind when he realised it was someone from his class and someone he could actually talk to about the subject. He just hoped he didn't mess it up like he had with Aine. "I thought it was really interesting," Demetrius replied, "I couldn't see them, and it's not like I want to see them, because, you know..." he trailed off awkwardly, then cleared his throat. "I don't know, I just find the thestrals really intriguing. And the griffin was really cool too, don't you think? Scary, but cool." He felt like he was talking too much but he cared a lot about magical creatures - it was his favourite class.
Kiara took a seat in one of the chairs next to the one Demetrius was in, glad he didn't seem too bothered by her, well.. bothering him. She nodded along when he told her what he had thought about their lesson on Thestrals, offering a small smile when he mentioned he was somewhat glad he wasn't able to see them. "I honestly don't think I've ever been as intimidated by anything as by that Griffin." Kiara replied with a soft giggle. Perhaps that would change if she ever was to see a dragon, but until then she didn't think anything would beat the Griffin. At least no creature would.. People might be a whole different situation. "The idea of the Thestrals is intriguing yeah, although they did made me appreciate I wasn't able to see them."
Demetrius was pleasantly surprised when Kiara took a seat, not having much confidence in his social skills. But he must have been doing something because the conversation continued. "Definitely wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of a griffin," Demetrius added. "It's really cool we get the opportunity to see the creatures in person though. The class would be a lot more boring if we just studied notes all the time." Demetrius gave a wry smile. "Hopefully we never get to see thestrals." He wondered if anyone in their class could see them but decided that was a weird thing to say out loud.
Kiara giggled when Demetrius mentioned getting on the wrong side of a Griffin. That sounded like it would be terrifying and she quickly nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it is." She replied. If anything, the class had taught her that she knew a lot less about magical creatures than she had thought she had at first. Which was a good thing, because now she had the opportunity to learn. "I don't think professor Burleigh would even get through those lessons himself if it was just him lecturing." She added with a soft laugh. From what she had seen from the man it seemed like he cared a lot about the creatures he taught them about. He was definitely way more enthusiastic when he got to show them creatures then when he had to lecture. "At least not anytime soon, no." She agreed with his Thestral remark.
"Oh, that's a good point," Demetrius noted when Kiara mentioned the professor simply lecturing. "He really wouldn't. I think it's cool how passionate he is when he shows us creatures though." Demetrius thought he wouldn't mind having a job like that in the future, even if it meant having to deal with kids. He also thought the conversation was going well, which was a plus for him. He had had a bad experience in the past that had made him doubt himself but Kiara seemed nice and friendly. Maybe Demetrius could make friends if he tried. "You ready for OWLs?" Demetrius asked. "I don't think I'll ever be ready. There's so much to learn."
Kiara thought it was nice that her classmates appreciated their professor as well. Surely, they would be learning so much less if they couldn't see or touch a creature every once in a while. "I'm not sure." She replied with a soft chuckle, making herself a little more comfortable on the armchair she was seated in. "I mean I've tried my hardest to keep up so I don't have to do too much to tidy up my notes and such for studying, but just the idea of OWLs already makes me nervous." She explained. Kiara was certain she would be well prepared, was making sure she was keeping on top of things throughout the year and yet it seemed impossible for the thought of OWLs not to make her stress out. "So I'm glad they're still a little while away."
Demetrius echoed Kiara in getting more comfortable. He hadn't realised that he'd tensed up but he was easing now. He listened to her talk about OWLs, nodding along. "Yeah, I've tried to make an effort this year and make my notes, well, somewhat legible...I don't have the best handwriting," Demetrius admitted. "But yeah, every time they mentioned OWLs in class I just panic a little bit." Demetrius rubbed the back of his head in a nervous gesture, feeling a little exposed for admitting it. "I think as long as I don't flunk a class, I should be happy. Don't know if my parents feel the same way though."

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