word of the day

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
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Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
here is a new game. word of the day. it is based on a game my dad used to play when his job required a lot of radio communication. where they would pick a random word (such as antelope) and whoever got it first/most times over the radio and fit it in without it being too suspicious won.
anyway. we will make it practical for the bord we will work it like this
I will give a word the first person use it in a RP and either quote or link it. can pick the next word.

so the first word an is an unusual word but shouldn't be too hard to fit into a RP. the word is flummoxed.
Oh this is fun, I love it! I've used flummoxed here!

I give a next word now, right? Let's go with snivel.
Agreed this is such a fun idea, Mia!
I used snivel here~ (Technically I used "sniveling" but I figured that counts...)

Next word is Superficial.
Selene getting nervous at the crowded room at the medley afterparty

new word: Echidna.
Last edited:
Zachariah Just likes messing with people when he's in the mood, but Bugs are harmless, mostly.

New Word: Casanova

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