Y44 SDA Capture the Flag - OOC Chat

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Here's an OOC topic for the Student Defense Association's Capture the Flag game that is running this semester. You're welcome to post questions about the rules here, plot with others, or just talk about the game!

Also it's not too late to join SDA and participate in the fun if your character isn't a member yet :r
I formally give permission for anyone to godmod hitting (or attempting to hit) any of my characters in the event with a spell, duelling rules I'll react to get hit or block. :r

(Again sorry if the bat is against the rules but also anyone can feel free to trip or disarm a firstie before the slow summon finishes lol)
sorry if the bat is against the rules

She's fine as long as she just uses the bat to defend herself and doesn't hit anyone with it or use it to hit bludgers at people :p

(and if she does the latter, Celia will probably try to pretend she didn't notice before very reluctantly telling her to stop)
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